Privacy Policy

Carrier Network is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy aims to explain who we are, what we do with your personal information, what we do with it, and what you can do to protect your privacy.

Carrier Network's Privacy Policy governs the use of the Carrier Network website at Carrier Network Using the Site, you agree to comply with the Terms of Service.

The Carrier Network Privacy Policy does not apply to the use of paid products.

What information do we collect, and how do we use it?

You provide us with certain types of personal information about yourself when using the Site, including through automatic data collection and by granting third parties access.

What types of information do we collect, and how do we use it.

When you visit our Site or register, your information may be collected, transmitted, and stored.

Ways in which we obtain personal information

  • Getting it straight from you.

    Visits to our Site, registration as a user, or filling out forms on our Site will collect and store information about you.
  • By indirect means.

    During your navigation and interaction with our website, cookies, and similar technologies automatically collect some information about you. The information collected is not necessarily personally identifiable, although some cookies are required to use some of the Site's features. You may be asked to provide personal information specific to your system and internet connection, including your IP address, operating system, and browser type. Read our Cookie Policy to learn more about how we use cookies.
  • Utilizing social media networks

    If you log in to our Site using a social network, we will receive certain information from the social network. In the case that you connect with us through LinkedIn, our system collects and stores information from your LinkedIn profile (the name of your company, the industry, the size of your company, the job title, the summary, the end date, the profile picture, and your skills).
  • Additional Sources

    Our affiliated entities, business partners, and other independent third-party sources may also periodically provide us with personal and non-personal information about you. We may then combine this information with other information about you. If you come to our Site via a link from a partner site and are a member of that partner, you may give us information about yourself, such as your contact information.

Why do we collect your personal information?

The following business uses of Personal Information may be permitted by law: Assist in the provision of various functions related to the Site's services. The information you provide while creating an account on the Site is stored and used by us. If you create an account, you may provide information such as your first and last names, email addresses, and the company you work for. The information you submit as part of your account profile may be publicly displayed with your consent. To customize your user experience, we also keep and use the preferences you provide, such as the products and services you prefer.

Whenever you submit reviews or other content to the Site, your first name and last initial, along with any photographs attached to your account, are intended for public display. Depending on your account settings, some information can be private.

Information is stored and used to identify and fix errors, analyze how visitors use our Site, test new features, and improve our Website.

The information we collect and use is used to maintain the security of our Site. We use cookies for several purposes, including determining whether you are logged in and detecting unauthorized access.

The do-not-track policy

The Carrier Network website is not currently responding to Do-Not-Track signals. However, you can set your preferences to prevent certain tracking, such as disabling cookies or browsing incognito. Check out our Cookie Policy for more information.

User reviews and other content published on our website

It is important to note that any review you leave on the Site or any comments you make on a discussion board will be made publicly available both on and off the Site. If you'd like, you can submit reviews and comments anonymously.

Information Sharing

Depending on the products and services listed on our Site, Carrier Network may also disclose your data to affiliates, business partners, vendors, social media networks, and other third parties if you authorize us to disclose your information. You can find more details below about who receives your information from us and how they use it.

The Site shares information with providers of products and services listed there. To complete your request, your personal information will be shared with the software product or service provider you have requested to connect with when you ask for more information or request a demo.

You may provide us with the following personal information to fulfill your request:

  • Name and last name
  • Email address

The Site may share any personal information associated with your review, whether unattributed or not. We have authorized the companies that provide software products and services listed on our Site, third-party software marketplaces, and other publicly accessible websites, platforms, or mobile apps to share this content via their websites. This information will appear publicly on social media sites, platforms, mobile apps, and other marketing materials, such as slide decks and case studies.

If you provide us with personal information, we may share it as follows, as long as we do not otherwise have your permission to do so:

  • The first and last initials of your name
  • Carrier Network account picture
  • Title of your job
  • Employer

Rights to your data privacy

The Carrier Network will facilitate the exercise of certain data privacy rights based on your location and/or residency.

As long as certain limitations are met, the GDPR gives you the following rights regarding privacy:

  • Information transparency and the right to know: This policy explains how personal information is used and shared. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.
  • Access to, objection to, restriction of, and erasure of personal data: Your data can be accessed, objected to, restricted, erased, or transferred here. If you give us your consent to process your data, you can withdraw it at any time.
  • Direct marketing opt-out right: Our commercial emails contain opt-out instructions. You can contact us or adjust your preferences online under your Profile Details at any time.

You may receive other communications from Carrier Network, including service announcements and administrative messages related to your Carrier Network account, without choosing if you want to receive them.

International Transfers

If you're visiting our Site outside of the United States, all of your information is stored, transmitted, and processed in the United States, where our servers are located and where our database is kept. It's possible that the US data protection laws may not be as comprehensive as yours.

To ensure your personal information remains protected following this Privacy Policy, it is sent to the United States with appropriate safeguards. In addition, we participate in the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks, further details of which are provided below. If you visit our site or use our services, we will transfer your data to our facilities and third parties with whom we share it.

Framework for the Privacy Shield

According to the US Department of Commerce, Carrier Network adheres to the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework regarding collecting, using, and retaining personal information sent from EU and Swiss institutions. About such data, Carrier Network has certified compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles. This privacy policy shall take precedence over the Privacy Shield Principles if they conflict with the policies in this policy. To view our certification page and for more information about the Privacy Shield program, please visit

Privacy Shield Frameworks confer on Carrier Network the authority to ensure compliance with Privacy Shield Frameworks regarding personally identifiable information.

According to the Privacy Shield Frameworks, EU and Swiss citizens have a right to determine whether we keep their info in the US. We'll give you access to your personal info when you request it. Additionally, you can edit, delete, or correct your personal information. Here, you can request access, correction, amendment, or removal of inaccurate data being transferred to the United States under Privacy Shield. Upon request, we will delete your data within a reasonable period.

Any time we share your data with anyone other than our agents or use it for a purpose other than originally intended, you will have the choice to consent or opt-out. If you want to limit how we use and disclose your personal information, contact us at


Our privacy policies and procedures are designed to protect your personal information through administrative, technical, and physical security measures.

The Site restricts access to personal information you do not publish on the Site to authorized employees and for permitted business purposes only. Privacy and security policies are regularly reviewed and enhanced, and your personal information is only accessible by authorized personnel. In addition, your personal information is encrypted during transmission between our systems and yours, and firewalls and intrusion detection systems are employed to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing our non-public information.

Users need to remember that information submitted over the Internet is never completely secure. If you submit any information via our Site, it is at your own risk while in transit over the Internet.

Children's Privacy

  • This site is intended for general audiences and does not provide services for children under 18.
  • No information should be provided to or on the Site by anyone under 18. Under 18s are not knowingly collected as personal information by us.

This Site or any of its features should not be used or provided by anyone under 18. You should not register on this Site; you should not share any personal information with us or participate in any interactive or commenting features, which include your name, address, phone number, email address, or screen name. Any individual under 18 who sends us personal information will be deleted or destroyed immediately. If you believe we may have such information, please let us know.

Data Retention

Carrier Network retains your personal information where we have an ongoing legitimate business need. For example, we may retain your information to prevent, investigate, or identify possible wrongdoing in connection with the Site or to comply with legal obligations. We may also retain copies of your personal information in our backup archives. Concerning personal information collected using cookies and similar tracking technologies, you can view retention periods in our Cookie Policy and adjust and disable certain tracking. Please note that software product and service providers listed on the Site cannot remove their profile page, ratings, or reviews by closing their accounts.

Modifications to this Privacy Statement

There may be changes to Carrier Network's Privacy Policy at any time. If this Privacy Policy is significantly changed, we will notify you either by email or by another appropriate method to inform you. Whenever required by applicable privacy laws, you will be informed before any changes are made to our privacy policies.

At the top of this Privacy Policy, you'll find the "last updated" date that indicates when this Privacy Policy was last updated.

Contact Us

To reach our Data Protection Officer, please email with any questions about this Privacy Policy.

If you have a problem with this site, include your email address and identification.